"Eat less, move more" - Does it work for weight loss?

Picture of a man running on a treadmill when he should be watching what he eats, like low carb, gluten free, grain free just nuts granola JuNula

The short answer is no. Why? Because it's a short-term solution for a long-term issue.

Maria Cross (MSc. Registered nutritionist) writes in her post Why 'Eat Less, Move More' Doesn't Work for Weight Loss, that this idea has been circulated for years, but it's neither based on evidence, nor does it work.

The key to weight loss can be boiled down to three key changes in your diet:

  • Cutting out carbs. The average diet contains way too many unnecessary carbohydrates in it. Carbs convert into glucose and our insulin converts and stores the excess glucose as fat. 
  • Eating fat to burn fat. Over the long term, eating a diet higher in fat and protein (versus carbs) will switch your body from burning carbs to burning fats, including ketones or body fat.
  • Eating more protein. When you eat protein, you feel fuller (because you are) and the feeling stays with you for a longer time than carbs. Plus a protein diet helps to burn the fat you want to get rid of. 

Cross writes this is a longer-term process for weight loss. It's not a quick fix, but it is a more permanent - and better - one for you. 

To get more details on the three changes mentioned above, please check out the entire article. 


Photo credit: seventyfourimages

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