Give yourself the best possible start to your day

Picture of a person waking up in bed, stretching, getting ready to have a low carb, grain free, gluten free breakfast of JuNula just nuts granola

How you begin your day makes all the difference in how the day goes. Why not give yourself the best start you can?

The author and coach Sinem Günel, has a list of "Seven Things You Should Try Never to Do in the Morning". 

Her list of seven includes:

  • Planning Your Day
  • Complaining
  • Getting Straight to Work
  • Making too Many Decisions
  • Hitting the Snooze Button
  • Distracting Yourself Through Social Media
  • Loading Your Body with Sugar

A good list, indeed! To help you, she also shares what to do instead to get your day started in a positive direction, with specific ideas for each of the changes above. 

Read her whole article here.

Photo credit: Twenty20photos

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